lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Preparing me for the oral test…

How do questions?

Wh… +        Auxiliary:    [1]    +    subjects + verbs + complement +?
                      Is / are
                 Do- Does/ Did       
For example: (presents)
Where are you now?  
What do you do in this moment? (is best: What are you doing?)
What did you think of your career, on your first day of class?
Are you doing your bed?
Is she happy with you?
Do you like eat much?
Does she prefers eat or dance?
(Past) Wh +Did/ was or were + subjects + verbs infinitive + complement +?

Where did you go the last vacations?
What did you do the last summer?
Who was your first teacher?
Did you run last week?
Did you want to come to this university?
Did you sell your car yesterday?
Were they spoken of their career the first day of class?
How was your first day at University?

 Wh + to be+ subjects + going to + complement +? (Harás para, es decir, que va ha ocurrir)
 Wh + would + subjects + verbs + complement +? (Harías para, es decir que pudiese ser)
 Wh. + will + subjects + verbs infinitive + complement[2] (future simple)

For example:
What are you going to do for fix it?
What would you do to fix it?
Where will you go in you next vacations?

How do answer?
If you will ask with DO you will answers with DO and if you will think you will answers with think…
For example:
Do you like eat much?
Yes, I do because the food is very nice for me… too much…
What you think of my family?
I think, your family is very nice!
Can you jump by this fence?
Yes, I can
Have you ever[3]  ran by the expressway?
No, I haven`t, Is dangerous
Could you give me this gift now?
Yes, I could but don´t want
Can you watch for here, please?
Yes I can, but other day!

Did you like out with me?
Yes, I did!
Some topic:
The movies:
P1 and P2
P1:  What movie did you like more?
P2: I did like, “The last Samurai”!
P1: Oh! Very good, but, I prefer The Lion King three..
P2: I disagree; this movie is for children… Can you remember other movie that did you like?
P1: Not, I don`t remember any movie more!  Humph!
P2: Sorry, Could you remember, please?
P1: No, I bored me!
P2: well… Bye!
The climate change:

 P1: What do you think of the climate change?
P2: I think, that is very dangerous for the world!
P1: I agree, is a big problem for the human race and the diversity of the flora and the fauna!
P2: What will think our children about us?    
P1: In my opinion, they will think that we never interesting us the ecosystem, only make money…
P1: you have reason, this is very sad.
P2: Yes, I agree, but what would you do solve it?
P1: very bit, all the human race must think as fix it!!
P2: this is true, but has that be very quickly!!
P1: yes, because the change started!

[1] El auxiliar Do, Does o Did no puede ir con el tobe
[2] El auxiliar will no puede ir con el verbo to be.
[3] Have/ has + subjects + ever +verbs in past+ complement +?  (alguna vez…?)

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

My Blog
The blog helps me very much because it is an experience that demand me learn new worlds and helps me to practice, also the blog in English is a very good idea, here,  I can imagine and tell something that like me as the don’t like me and that others can know me a bit more.
When I begin the first day in the blog I delayed very much in achieve fifty worlds and I has  that finish in my book and almost all the opportunity was the same but today I been in the computer fifteen minutes ago and I have one hundred worlds!!! Very well  :D
For me, the blog is a very good tools to learn or express daily thing and with this, we the only that need is know the form of say in English don´t need invent nothing more.
When we been in the front of computer, we been quiet, in calm and we can remember old world in English and remember as say this or that, in this moment we been in full capacity.

Iback up this idea, but a good complement is the sound or video with the instructions to make the comment in the blog... one idea...
The blog, also, you can know at other persons and sometimes you will surprise and will amuse!!!
I repeat, the blog is a good idea!

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

A well movie
Y don´t see much movie, but a very good film that I´ve seen is “The last samurai” This movie was make in Estados Unidos, and release in the year 2003. I saw this movie in my house with my brother, the last week. The protagonists are Tom Cruise, Timothy Spall, Ken Watanabe, Billy Connolly, Tony Goldwyn, Shichinosuke Nakamura and Shin Koyamada, the director is Edward Zwick and it genre is adventure and action.
This movie, I liked because showed the past of the Japon, in the period of the “Rebelión Satsuma” in the time of the Samurai and Ninjas, the protagonist were a captain of the army, that was hired for an adviser of the Imperator to manage his army in against (before) of Samurai that fought with sword, the first combat, the protagonist is captured for the Samurai and he learn to respect their.
This movie, have moral for the humanity.  Also, it movie represent very well the context that happened in Japón in this moment and achieve that the people site in this time. This movie, I seen again.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

My vocabulary is not very good, for this, I can´t advance much... but it was very nice, because the web pages helpme to remember and learn new world, the web page, I will use to practice for learn more, overcoat, the listening for the pronunciation and for recognize the worlds, also, this content don´t was dificult to understand, in conclutsion, It are one good tool for learn :)



I not remember one in particular, but a little something, yes, for example, when, I had six years, I was to raise a Chile Kite!, my first and only kite, and I can´t achieve, when I had about two hours of the attempted, arrived my cousin, Pablo, and he begin at raise, I was happy, for end the famous kite flying but when I went at ask for the kite, got tangled in the hardwired of light, and I cried all the day… not, only one hour.. :S

Other moment who I remember of Patria celebration was when my family was been a bit poor and all wanted eat baked pies…

This day, my father out early and all my brother and sister were thinking who this 18´. We were gloomy, but in the evening arrived at my house parents with many home-made baked pies and then arrived my father with more baked pies!

This day we ate many.. J

The other party of 18, have been more or less normal… with many food and baked pies jeje for example the last patria celebration, I was to Calera and was very funny…

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012


The page of the BBC is very interesting; it can help us much, but has even games!!! Is very funny, but also, is a page with English a bit more complex…  even if I will learn more of this form.
In the quiz “Beat the keeper”  I achieve twenty points!! But I understood very little… L but I will follow trying… J
This page is very complete, for each theme, it has links for downloads podcast, text, test, etc. also, has video and listening that help us to understand the pronunciation and I will know new words.
When I did practice English in my house, never had I found a page that was really good, but this page seems that it has all!!! Is a good solution for me. This website has very much information!
I believe that for the teacher also, this website was one very good source of educational ideas, because there is one part that is call “Ideas for teachers and activities for teachers”..
The website makes programmers for year, and we can visualize  all!
My promise is that I will check this page for improve my English, also I think show them to my brothers, they are more advanced in this language…

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

My favorite band of alternative rock, it is Keane.

They are three members:  He Battery (Richard Hughes), He Pianist (Tim Rice-Oxley) and he Vocalist (Tom Chaplin). They interpret the music as I feel, they are really gifted.  The first time that I listen their music was when I had 16 years, my sister was why tell me of they.
More that the letter of the songs, is the harmony that they play at together the instruments with the voice of Tom, although also, they have songs with letter very good, for example, the songs “Somewhere only we know” or “Bedshaped” that are a little depressive but with much contents. is in this song that still I not understand totally, but I think that the group, in this theme show their best version
For my, is the better band of alternative rock that exist!

But, undoubtedly this best song is “Amazing grace” of Elvis Presley that is the best ever!!! When I was small and listened for first time, I can´t leave of hear it… Was too perfect this theme and mainly it feeling with that he sing it as with pain… 

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Hello classmates!

My name is Stefano, I am third of six brothers, have 23 years and born in Cerrillos (A town of ancient) and studies the carrier of Geography, and I want learn for end English, I will try that you understand my bad but bad english!

If you want read about football, chess and sing, so, you like my blog.

…The English is very difficult for me (likeTeves), for this Cheer up!!!


Day one
For me, the first day at the University was very nervous,  I remember that waited that in any time “mechoneaban” us, but later, I began to relax me, bit to bit.
This day I knew partners that thought as I, that were as me, that liked play football and listened music very good for me, They were Victor, Andres and Miguel, that were my friend  after.
This first day, later of class, between all us, play de football because a partners had brought a ball, it that used us all the year, because, this year we played football in each free moment that had us. We were boys that hadn´t worries, It was a good year…
He teacher that spoke us, explained the importance of the Geography as integrative science of the others disciplines, that in this time, I didn´t matter, but today I value much, because precisely for this that my career can resolve problematic better than other disciplines, that focus its look in some factors and leave out others that can explain them the true problematic…  
This first day I didn´t knew nothing of my career, today, I feel that know only a bit more…