lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013


Motocross, an extreme sport
The only experience with a motorcycle that I have was a time in the last vacations, where I learned to drive a scooter very old; its name was “La Cachula” the maximum velocity that reached was 60 km for hour, but a experience so, I will recall for all my life.
For me will be invaluable the experience of jump all type of hurdles, overcome the time of each new lap at circuit, to be capable of tune the motorcycle in al type of surface in the more high velocity possible…
Restrain in balance a motorcycle of great powerful  is very demanding for the body and the moment I imagine with much adrenalin, because also is very dangerous… because at the obstacles, different surfaces, effort physical  and tension also there is to add the other competitors.
To learn the different techniques and ways of the drive a motorbike of the Motocross, to require very much time of practice and discipline, for example for support oneself on the motorbike in a surface of mud, for this only the practice can help you…
For carry out this thrilling sport,  is necessary to have present that drive a motorbike of this style demand one body very tough and  strong because this machine can develop a similar acceleration that a sport automobile  on little stretch! For this, ours mums when somebody to buy a motorbike by very responsible that her son to be, she say:  Are you bought the tomb, too?!!!

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

My city

Santiago is the capital of Chile, mi country!! J  For me, the more big problem of this city is it great growth of population, that is the mean cause from  decline of the quality of life of the population because there aren´t sufficient infrastructure and there are very few leeway in surface as to increase it, main in the center place as the center of Santiago (the Commune complete!), the best example or argument for back (support) this affirmation is in the cause of transport public, the Metro, the more old stations (red and yellow lines), for this, each time more is most difficult and disagree to live here, the planning don´t was think to long period, and is for this, that by me is a great challenge to create a one solution in this topic, the topic Strategic Urban Planning.
In this sense, one plan very interesting or “the present effort, in this sense...” is the “Plan maestro de transporte Santiago 2015” by MOP and MTT, that in a promising future, 12 years the car park will be of 2.7 million and 300 thousand of cars approximately, is the say, more the double of the actual park, also, the growth of the number of inhabitants of the capital (of 6 millions 600 thousands to 7 millions 300 thousands inhabitants). This Plan has between its projects more big, the creation of the “Linea 7 del Metro” that will join Maipú with Vitacura in one “straight line” in consequence most quick, this alternative line is very great for me (I am from Maipú).
Other of the important projects, will be the incorporate of the urban train at the public transport, for example, the train: Airport Pudahuel – Renca - Baquedano station, also the expand and improvement of the actual road network… but this Plan, Are will be the that really going to need Santiago? Will be sufficient?

Leeway: margen